We focus more on how Nadira and Gisella have grown as leaders since we last talked to them, and the most challenging and fulfilling parts of working at Super.

The toughest parts of driving retail innovation in rural Indonesia through social commerce | Call 166

The toughest part of driving retail innovation in rural Indonesia through social commerce with SuperApp VPs | Call 166

We focus more on how Nadira and Gisella have grown as leaders since we last talked to them, and the most challenging and fulfilling parts of working at Super.

We’re back with Nadira Zahiruddin and Gisella Tjoanda, VP of Innovation and VP of Business Development, respectively, at SuperApp (Super), the leading social commerce platform in Indonesia, innovating the future of retail in underserved areas in the country.

In Part 1, we got caught up on Super’s business, how it’s developed and evolved over the last year, especially when it comes to developing its portfolio of private label and exclusivity brands that contribute significantly to the business’s path to profitability. 

In Part 2, we focus more on how Nadira and Gisella have grown as leaders since we last talked to them, and the most challenging and fulfilling parts of working at SuperApp.


SuperApp’s work has not only created jobs and helped local businesses grow, but also shaped the leaders behind the company. 

(1) Adapting to different forms of demand creation for new product categories. Even as Nadira’s background in FMCG helped her transition to setting up Super’s private label foundation in FMCGs, expanding into other categories like health and beauty pushed her and her team to build new demand creation capabilities. 

“For FMCG, demand creation involves not just building the brand and digital awareness but also offline activations. We engage in community gatherings and collaborate with wholesalers and supermarkets to distribute our products…For health and beauty, demand creation also requires a significant effort. With the rise of TikTok and social media, we can grow online. We’ve seen great growth through TikTok Shop, but we’re also trying to tap and grow the offline channel for our skincare products.” 

(2) Defining Super’s proposition in a competitive market. When it comes to exclusivity deals with brands, Super is not only competing with other social commerce or ecommerce platforms, but even more established distributors. As straightforward as it may seem, Gisella had to develop Super’s approach to delivering value to these brands and winning them over. 

“Negotiating and finalizing the agreement was a considerable challenge, as we faced competition from other established distributors vying for the same partnership.

We also had to meet the brand’s strict requirements and ensure that our supply chain could support the demand for these products. At Super, we addressed this challenge by streamlining our logistics process and providing exceptional support to ensure a seamless partnership.

Ultimately, securing a deal with a major brand helps us establish credibility in the market. It might sound simple, but this was one of the most challenging and pivotal moments I can share.”

(3) Widening horizons. Earlier in 2024, Nadira and Super CPO Alfred Ali traveled to Riyadh for LEAP 2024 and gained exposure to the possibilities in MENA.  

“For Super, our key takeaway was that we learned there’s an opportunity to partner with them to exclusively import products from there to Indonesia and vice versa. We see noticeable similarities in culture and taste.

 Not to mention, we’re also the largest halal consumer market in the world. There’s definitely an opportunity for us to work together with Saudi Arabia, but we are still in the process of discovery and exploring how best we can approach this.”

If you’re inspired by Super’s mission of improving the livelihood of individuals and families in rural Indonesia, along with all the challenges and learning curves that come, check out open roles in Super


(00:00) Catch up with Part 1;

(05:23) Taking the Leap with Super;

(09:09) Make or Break Corner;

(16:21) What Keeps You Going;

(19:08) Rapid Fire Round;

The content of this podcast is for informational purposes only, should not be taken as legal, tax, or business advice or be used to evaluate any investment or security, and is not directed at any investors or potential investors in any ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Insignia Ventures⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ fund. Any and all opinions shared in this episode are solely personal thoughts and reflections of the guest and the host.


Taking the Leap with Super

Paulo: So I wanted you both to kick off this part two by sharing how Super has really shaped you as leaders. What have been the biggest opportunities that you wouldn’t have otherwise been able to access if not for your work at Super?

Nadira: Super operates in a very dynamic environment where innovation and agility are essential for success. As a leader, I’ve learned to embrace change, foster a culture of experimentation, and adapt quickly to evolving circumstances, especially in building the innovation team and new revenue streams for Super. 

We are also responsible for Super’s next phase of growth. This mindset has sharpened my ability to navigate uncertainty and lead with confidence in fast-paced environments, making this a unique opportunity that I don’t think I would have gotten anywhere else.

Paulo: I remember what you shared last time about it really being a fast-paced environment and how that really impacted you.

Nadira: Exactly. Since day one up till now, almost two years later, it’s still the same.

Gisella: Super has a mission to empower rural communities. This mission has instilled in me a deep sense of purpose and commitment to making a positive impact. 

As a leader, I’ve been inspired to align our goals and strategies with our mission and to prioritize impact over short-term goals. I lead with integrity and empathy, and I believe this is an opportunity I definitely wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else.

Paulo: Speaking of opportunities, I also wanted to talk about Nadira’s recent trip to Riyadh for LEAP 2024. What was the interest behind visiting LEAP, and what have been the takeaways for you and for Super from that trip?

Nadira: It was my first time in Saudi Arabia. We haven’t met many investors in the Middle East region, and the idea of going to LEAP was to start building relationships with them and learn what’s going on on the other side of the world. 

It was really astonishing to see the progression of Saudi Arabia as an outsider looking in. They have huge investments, especially in industries such as deep technology and clean industries.

For Super, our key takeaway was that we learned there’s an opportunity to partner with them to exclusively import products from there to Indonesia and vice versa. We see noticeable similarities in culture and taste. 

Not to mention, we’re also the largest halal consumer market in the world. There’s definitely an opportunity for us to work together with Saudi Arabia, but we are still in the process of discovery and exploring how best we can approach this.

Make or Break Corner

Paulo: I think there’s definitely a lot of potential synergies between Southeast Asian companies and those in the Middle East, not just in commerce but also in FinTech. Yeah, looking forward to any news about that in the future. In the meantime, I wanted to get into our make-or-break corner, my favorite recent addition to the show.

Since you joined Super, what has been the biggest make-or-break moment of your journey so far that you can share with us?

Nadira: One of the biggest make-or-break moments at Super was securing investment approval from the board for the investment partnership with Teratu Beauty. While it aligns with our profitability objectives, it was definitely something new for us. It is a substantial investment, and it is also on us to ensure a favorable return on investment from this venture.

The growth witnessed by Teratu over the past year, growing two to three times, is a testament to our faith in the company’s potential.

Gisella: From my side, one make-or-break moment I can share is when we secured a partnership with a major brand. Negotiating and finalizing the agreement was a considerable challenge, as we faced competition from other established distributors vying for the same partnership.

We also had to meet the brand’s strict requirements and ensure that our supply chain could support the demand for these products. At Super, we addressed this challenge by streamlining our logistics process and providing exceptional support to ensure a seamless partnership.

Ultimately, securing a deal with a major brand helps us establish credibility in the market. It might sound simple, but this was one of the most challenging and pivotal moments I can share.

Paulo: And it’s not just for one brand, right? You’ve done that for a couple of deals. I have a follow-up question for each of you. Nadira, congratulations on the beauty brand. 

Ever since we started talking about cosmetics last year, and you were in the research and scouting phase for opportunities in that space, I’ve been looking forward to Super including a beauty brand in its portfolio.

What is something you’ve learned from growing a brand in that particular space? Is there anything you took from working with FMCG brands to help this brand grow?

Nadira: One of the biggest things I’ve learned is how to grow the market share of each brand. It’s quite different for each product category, whether it’s F&B, FMCG, or health and beauty. Identifying the demand creation that works for each of these product categories is crucial.

For FMCG, demand creation involves not just building the brand and digital awareness but also offline activations. We engage in community gatherings and collaborate with wholesalers and supermarkets to distribute our products. It’s about finding which channels work best.

For health and beauty, demand creation also requires a significant effort. With the rise of TikTok and social media, we can grow online. We’ve seen great growth through TikTok shops, but we’re also trying to tap and grow the offline channel for our skincare products. Identifying where your consumers are and growing the market share for each category is key.

Paulo: Learning about these channels specific to each category must have been part of the learning curve. Gisela, in terms of winning over brands to strike exclusivity deals, how has this impacted your negotiating skills? What do you pitch to these brands to win them over? What about Super do you sell to them to ensure they partner with you?

Gisella: When securing exclusivity deals with brands, we first make sure to explain what Super is and what we do. We sell our business by showing them our substantial volume interactions, which are appealing to them.

We demonstrate that we cover many areas in different cities across East Java and have agents focused on distributing their products. We ensure exceptional support to meet their requirements and needs. We make sure we can distribute their products and help them reach more customers in areas they haven’t yet penetrated.

Additionally, we provide excellent customer service, offering productivity reports, sales reports, and any other necessary information in a timely manner. This ensures that our partners are satisfied with working with us.

In the Orange Corner

Paulo: I really like what you mentioned about thinking of them as customers in some ways, because you are catering to what they need and aligning that with what Super has to offer. I wanted to move into our “In the Orange Corner” and talk about the relationship that Insignia has had with Super. 

Ever since the beginning with Steven, it has been quite the journey. We’re definitely glad to have both of you as part of this journey and joining Super. Maybe you can share how that relationship has impacted your own roles.

Nadira: We are very fortunate to have partnered with Insignia and their team as one of our earliest investors. Super has experienced substantial growth over the years, and our success owes much to the continuous support and guidance provided by Insignia. One of the ways the firm has helped us is by providing strategic guidance for our growth and profitability initiatives.

When I came in, the profitability initiatives were very new. The firm’s team, with their extensive knowledge of the industry and market trends, offered valuable strategic guidance. They helped us refine our business model, identify growth opportunities, navigate challenges, and make informed decisions. Overall, it has been incredibly valuable and helpful for us.

Gisella: Another way Insignia has been very helpful is through their networking and operational support. The team has an extensive network of contacts, including other investors, industry experts, potential customers, suppliers, and partners. They have facilitated introductions and connections that have opened doors for partnerships, collaborations, and business development opportunities.

This support is especially important to me because, with Insignia’s help, we have been able to meet many potential suppliers and principals that we can eventually secure partnerships with. Moreover, Insignia has also assisted us in finding qualified candidates for certain roles, which is crucial for building a strong team.

What Keeps You Going

Paulo: And who knows, maybe future folks who might be joining Super might be listening in as part of their due diligence of the company before they apply. 

To that end, I wanted you guys to share a message for those who are perhaps interested in joining Super or have seen your posts on social media and are intrigued by the work you guys are doing. What would be your message for them? And what has been the most fulfilling aspect of working at Super for you?

Gisella: For everyone who’s interested in joining Super, please make sure to stay tuned on LinkedIn for job opportunities and make sure to apply. 

For me, the most fulfilling part of working at Super is knowing that we have a mission to create a positive impact in communities. Super is not only focused on profit or making as much money as we can but also on the positive impact we can make on society.

As someone who works at Super, the most fulfilling thing is knowing that what I’m working on every day is making a positive impact on people’s lives.

Nadira: I completely agree with Gisella. The opportunity to create positive change at the grassroots level is incredibly rewarding. We see it in our work every day. 

Knowing that our work directly improves the livelihoods and well-being of individuals and families in tier two to three areas, up to rural areas, really inspires us to continue pushing boundaries and innovating to make an even greater impact. So if you want to join our mission and vision, please come and apply to Super.

Paulo: As I mentioned in our last episode, I’ll leave a link in the description if you want to connect with Nadira or Gisella or check out the jobs on LinkedIn. We’ll leave the link in the podcast description.

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